Senin, 15 Mei 2017

business in future

assalamualaikum On this blog I will write down my desire to make business in my future, may be useful for those who read it I really want to make a business of clothes and food, because I love to match the clothes in accordance with the event that I will attend, sedangankan food business because I love to cook and eat  When I succeed future business that I will wrestle that is sya'i Muslim clothes business that is fashionable according to traditional foods and business era Melawi My clothing business will focus on the models and materials that are used like more to the cotton material that will suit the indonesian climate that tends to be hot, since I can not draw so I will have someone who will design my muslim clothes. With a friendly price in the pockets of the community, in this case I will approach the cost of distribution. I want my clothes can be made in every age and all circles not only in the upper class. Because I like the dark colors InsyaAllah I will also take colors like dongker, maroon, and gray into the colors in my muslim clothing.

For business to eat maybe I will postpone until my clothes business is successful and can open branch in every province in indonesia, photo him on in allotment for student but can also in wear by other muslimah. Hopefully what I want in the future can be done well dah easy to run it. Thanks for those who have read this blog hopefully useful ya 😊 Wasalamualaikumwarahmatlahlahwabarakatu

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